Remote Server/Port : |
The IP and port where WarpTunnel Server is going to listen for incoming connections. |
Local Address/Port : |
The IP and port where WarpTunnel Client is going to listen for incoming connections. |
Proxy Settings : |
Check this if you have a proxy server. |
Proxy Address/Port : |
The IP and port of your proxy server. |
Proxy Authentication : |
Check this if your proxy server requires authentication. |
Authentication Mode : |
Select the authentication mode that use your proxy server :
- Basic.
- Digest.
- Socks 4/4a/5.
Tunnel Authentication : |
You can use the Tunnel Authentication to use a single server to use more than one service. If you choise to use this feature you can :
- Specify the destination host and port (Fixed dest. Address).
- Set the client to emulate HTTP/1.1 Connect proxy or
SOCKS4/4a/5 on Local Address/Port (Variable dest. Point)(no authentication is required).
Compatible Mode : |
If you check this the current client will be compatible with old versions of HTTPTunnel servers.
Check this also if your client have problems during connection.
If you use client in compatible mode you can't use compression or UDP/IP protocol. |
Compress Data : |
You can specify if compress data inside tunnel using a ZIP algorithm. |
Protocol : |
You can specify if you application use TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocol. |
Use Statistics : |
Check this if you want to recond statistics for connections. If you don't check this no statistics will be reported. (default checked) |
Soft/Heavy Thread Mode : |
Use SoftThread mode option on a sigle-processor/slow-processor system.
Use HeavyThread mode option on a multi-processor/dualcore-processor/veryfast-processor system. |
Strict Content Length : |
If checked tunnel always write Content-Length bytes in HTTP requests (default checked). |
Stealth Mode : |
Check this to avoid proxy packet filtering. |
Use Data Encryption : |
Check this to encrypt data inside tunnel. |
User Agent : |
User Agent string use in HTTP Header. |
Content Length : |
Size of data transferred in a connection. If you programm generate a lot of data you should set a greater value. |
Logger : |
You can enable a logger that will write on disk informations generated during WarpTunnel Server execution.There are two levels of logger : one to log every action, the second to log only errors. |
Proxy Buffer Size |
You can try to set the size of your proxy server's buffer. |
Proxy Buffer Timeout |
You can try to set the buffer flush timeout of your proxy server. |